Sunday, November 15, 2015

The "Ladies Extension" in Munith, Michigan???

Here is a group picture that was taken in the front yard of Iva Carley Johnson's residence on Coon Hill Road in Munith, Michigan.  Written on the back is "Ladies Extension."  Does anyone know what the group did or was related too? I believe this group must have been related to something like the Farm Bureau or some other organization that was prevalent in a rural farm district.  What I know is that it wasn't part of the American Legion Auxiliary, or the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church, or the Women's Society for Christian Service of the Methodist Church.  Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.  The picture was likely taken sometime in the mid-to-late 1950s.

We are able to identify many of the women pictured in this image, but not any help in identifying the remaining would be greatly appreciated.

Back Row L to R: Iva Johnson, Helen Palmer, Elsie Drew, Mary Shew, Pauline Dixon, and Emma Carley.

Front Row L to R: unknown, Ruth Carley (?), and unknown.